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Sofa fitness- The truth about it

However, you need not go far. School, family environment is not irritating to the noise simulator training and a lot of sweat around people equipment iron ...

Do you think it is possible to loose calories in a salon? We will show that it is no longer possible!

Our bow for a sofa fitness

Year. It is best to make the arches of the couch with his arm, because with sofa fitness you will need a strong support.

Sit on sofa fitness the armrest and adjust their weapons against its edge. The knees should be moved shoulder width ", the legs should be placed at a right angle with the ground. Can complicate the exercise to move the legs further.

Advancing arm holding his weight on his arms sofa fitness. Slowly bend your arms and lower your body. Keep your back straight and the tension of the muscles of the abdominal muscles. Lower your body until your shoulders are parallel to the ground.

Slowly return to starting position and repeat the exercise 15 times.

sofa fitness benefits. You will be happy to have a beautiful and unique chest! More than that , it will make the muscles in the front of the shoulder and the back of the arm work.

Slot with a remote control unit

Year. You can apply more force to change TV channels. Make it a habit to do the following exercise whenever on sofa fitness you want to change a TV channel.

Sofa fitness-some Benefits!
Stand up straight and place a leg just before his left leg so that the distance between the legs form a right angle sofa fitness. Lower your arms down when a channel is required.

Start slowly by bending your legs so that the knee of the left leg touches the ground. Keep your weight on the foot of the right leg, the effort of the buttock. The toes are seen on TV!

Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 20 times with each leg.

sofa fitness benefits. Slots are one of the most effective exercises to make the shapes of the most attractive and beautiful buttocks.

Cubes breaks

Year. You can exercise your tummy and strengthen your abdominal muscles announced that for a break. This exercise is the simplest.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your legs on the couch session.

Sofa fitness~how to!
Then cross your arms over the chest muscles force the abdominal muscles and shoulders of the ground motion, the lower part of your body should remain on sofa fitness the ground in this regard. The movement should be sharp.

Then return to the floor. Rest for 3 seconds (no cake more than 3 seconds!) And repeat the exercise 14 times that's sofa fitness.

Benefits. This is the best way to strengthen the muscles of your abs and get rid of unwanted folds in the belly area.

Triceps TV

Year. No work to prevent arms during your favorite show. You will need dumbbells for this exercise. Bottled water is also suitable if you do not have weights. Sit on the sofa side stretching the right leg and place your left foot on the ground.

Take care of your left hand and stretch your arms forward. Start the exercise with sofa fitness the elbow bent at 90 degrees left arm. Free arm is parallel to the ground! Hold for 3-4 seconds and return to starting position.

Repeat this exercise 15 times with each arm on sofa fitness.

Benefits. This exercise strengthens the shoulders and arms using sofa fitness.

"Press-up" advertising

Year. Do this during the break for the ads because you have to turn back to the screen to make the exercise of a right path. You do not have the right to see the series before completing the exercise!

Adjust your body against the couch so that sofa fitness your arms are straight, fingers are crushed and tight. Your body and legs should form a perfect straight line. Bend your arms and touch your chest session. sofa fitness the head should be straight.

And see its bottom bulge is not much! Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 15 times.

Benefits. With the help of this year, I finally feel your upper body muscles also.

Crouching on a carpet

Year. The carpet is a unit ideal for training exercises at home. Stand on the placement of the legs shoulder width apart. Make sure your back is straight and your stomach take it in.On sofa fitness place your arms at waist.

Slowly bend your knees at a right angle from the body back angle is slightly concave on the sofa fitness back.

Do not move your feet on the ground. Keep your back straight. Sufficiently tighten the buttocks, then return to the starting position.

You can hold dumbbells (or bottles) in your hands when you lean to complicate the exercise of sofa fitness.

Benefits. Hips and buttocks are excellent after this exercise!

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